Monday, October 15, 2018

Chapter 4.15 - The Angular speed

In the previous section we saw the basic details of uniform circular motion and centripetal acceleration. In this section, we will see Angular speed.

We will write the steps:
1. Consider the circular motion of the object that we saw in the previous section. For convenience, it is shown again in fig.4.38 below:
• In a time interval of Δt, the object travels from P to P’. 
• During this time interval, the line OP turns through an angle of Δθ
    ♦ This Δθ  is called angular distance
2. From this 'angular distance', we can find 'the angle which the line OP turns in an interval of 1 s'.
• We simply divide the 'angular distance' by 'time required to cover that angular distance'. We get: 
• The angle which the line OP turns in 1 s = $\mathbf\small{\frac{\Delta \theta }{\Delta t}}$ 
3. The 'angle which the line (line which joins the object to the center) turns in  1 s' is called angular speed. It is denoted by $\mathbf\small{\omega}$ (Greek small letter omega) 
■ So we can write Eq.4.28$\mathbf\small{\omega =\frac{\Delta \theta }{\Delta t}}$
4. The straight line between P and P’ is the 'displacement during Δt'
    ♦ It is denoted as $\mathbf\small{\overrightarrow{\Delta r}}$
    ♦ It is a vector quantity
• But the arc length PP’ is the 'distance traveled during Δt'
    ♦ It is denoted as $\mathbf\small{{\Delta s}}$ 
    ♦ It is not a vector quantity
5. We know that 'distance traveled' divided by time gives speed
• Speed is the magnitude of the velocity vector
    ♦ For circular motion, we denoted it as $\mathbf\small{|\vec{v}|}$
■ So we get: $\mathbf\small{|\vec{v}|=\frac{\Delta s}{\Delta t}}$
6. Now, using properties of arc, we have the relation: $\mathbf\small{angle=\frac{arc}{radius}}$
    ♦ Where angle is measured in radians
• So we get: arc length PP’ = Δs = Δθ×R
    ♦ Where R is the radius of the path
7. So we can put (Δθ×R) instead of Δs in (5). we get:
• Speed $\mathbf\small{|\vec{v}|=\frac{\Delta \theta \times R }{\Delta t}=R\frac{\Delta \theta}{\Delta t}}$
• But from (3), we have: $\mathbf\small{\frac{\Delta \theta }{\Delta t}=\omega}$
■ So we get Eq.4.29: speed $\mathbf\small{|\vec{v}|=R\, \omega}$
8. The time required for making one complete revolution around the circular path is called time period. It is denoted by T
An example:
(i) Let an object require 0.25 s to complete one revolution. Then it’s time period T = 0.25 s
(ii) This object requires only a ‘fraction of a second’ (¼ to be exact) to make one complete revolution
(iii) Obviously, It will make 4 complete revolutions in 1 s. 
• We obtain this result by dividing ‘1’ by ‘T’.
• That is., we take the reciprocal of T
9. The number of revolutions in one second is called frequency. It is denoted by ‘n’
■ So we can write Eq.4.30: Frequency $\mathbf\small{n=\frac{1}{T}}$
10. While calculating 'n', the 'T' goes to the denominator.
(i) In the above example, T (which is 0.25 s) is less than 1. 
• So when we calculate n, since T is in the denominator, we get a value ‘4’ which is greater than 1
(ii) What if T is greater than 1?
• That is., the object may take more than 1 s to complete one revolution
• In that case, since T is in the denominator, the ‘n’ will be less than ‘1’
■ That means, the object will not complete even one revolution in 1 s
11. Relations between $\mathbf\small{|\vec{v}|}$, T and n 
A. Relation between speed $\mathbf\small{|\vec{v}|}$ and T
(i) During an interval of ‘T’ s the object will travel a distance of 2πR along the circumference
(ii) We have the familiar relation for uniform speed: Distance = speed × time
(iii) So we get: 2πR $\mathbf\small{|\vec{v}|}$ × T
Thus we get Eq.4.31$\mathbf\small{|\vec{v}|=\frac{2\pi R}{T}}$
B. Relation between speed $\mathbf\small{|\vec{v}|}$ and n
(i) From Eq.4.30, we have: $\mathbf\small{n=\frac{1}{T}}$
• From this, we get: $\mathbf\small{T=\frac{1}{n}}$
(ii) So we can use $\mathbf\small{\frac{1}{T}}$ instead of T in Eq.4.31
• We can write: $\mathbf\small{|\vec{v}|=\frac{2\pi R}{\frac{1}{n}}}$
• So we get Eq.4.32$\mathbf\small{|\vec{v}|=2\pi Rn}$
12. Finally, we will see the relation between centripetal acceleration $\mathbf\small{|\vec{a_c}|}$ and $\mathbf\small{\omega}$
(i) In the previous section, we saw Eq.4.27: $\mathbf\small{|\vec{a_c}|=\frac{|\vec{v}|^2}{R}}$  
(ii) In this section we derived Eq.4.29: $\mathbf\small{|\vec{v}|=R\, \omega}$
(iii) So we can use '' instead of $\mathbf\small{|\vec{v}|}$ in Eq.4.27
• We get: $\mathbf\small{|\vec{a_c}|=\frac{R^2 \omega ^2}{R}}$
• Thus we get Eq.4.33$\mathbf\small{|\vec{a_c}|= \omega ^2 R}$

Now we will see an interesting case. We will write it in steps:
1. Consider a rotating circular disk of radius R cm shown in fig.4.39(a) below:
• It is rotating at a constant angular speed
2. Mark a point P on it's circumference
    ♦ Join P to the center O by the line OP. Then OP = R cm
• Mark another point Q on OP
    ♦ Let OQ = R1 cm
3. Let during an interval of Δt s, the line OP turn through an angle of Δθ.
• Then, in that interval Δt, OQ will also turn through the same angle Δθ
• This is shown in fig.b
4. Since both P and Q turn through the same angle Δθ, we can write:
• Angular speed of Q = Angular speed of P
• Let this angular speed be $\mathbf\small{\omega}$
■ We can write: Angular speed of Q = Angular speed of P = $\mathbf\small{\omega}$
5. Now we will see linear speed
• Let the linear speed of P be $\mathbf\small{|\vec{v_P}|}$   
• Let the linear speed of Q be $\mathbf\small{|\vec{v_Q}|}$
6. During a time interval of Δt, P travels a distance of arc length PP'.
• During the same time interval of Δt, Q travels a distance of arc length QQ'.
7. But (arc length QQ') is less than (arc length PP')
• That is., even though the time interval is the same, the distances are not the same
■ Q travels a lesser distance in Δt
■ P travels a greater distance in Δt
■ Obviously, $\mathbf\small{|\vec{v_P}|}$ must be greater than $\mathbf\small{|\vec{v_Q}|}$
8. This can be proved in another way also:
(i) We have Eq.4.29 which gives the relation between linear speed and angular speed: $\mathbf\small{|\vec{v}|=R\, \omega}$
(ii) The angular speed $\mathbf\small{\omega}$ is constant for all points on the disc  
So we can write:
• $\mathbf\small{|\vec{v_P}|=R\, \omega}$ 
• $\mathbf\small{|\vec{v_Q}|=R_1 \, \omega}$ 
(iii) R1 is lesser than R
■ So $\mathbf\small{|\vec{v_Q}|}$ will be lesser than $\mathbf\small{|\vec{v_P}|}$
■ When distance from the center decreases, the linear speed decreases

Now we will see some solved examples
Solved example 4.13
An insect trapped in a circular groove of radius 12 cm moves along the groove steadily and completes 7 revolutions in 100 s. (a) What is the angular speed, and the linear speed of the motion? (b) Is the acceleration vector a constant vector ? What is its magnitude ? 
• Number of revolutions in 100 s = 7
• So no. of revolutions in 1 s = n = 7/100 = 0.07
Part (a):
1. First we find linear speed $\mathbf\small{|\vec{v}|}$
• We can use Eq.4.32: $\mathbf\small{|\vec{v}|=2\pi Rn}$
• Substituting the values, we get: $\mathbf\small{|\vec{v}|=2\pi \times 12 \times 0.07}$ = 5.28 cm s-1.
2. Once we find the linear velocity, we can use Eq.4.29 to find angular speed $\mathbf\small{\omega}$
• $\mathbf\small{|\vec{v}|=R\, \omega}$
• Substituting the values, we get: $\mathbf\small{5.28=12 \times \omega}$
• So $\mathbf\small{\omega}$ = 5.28/12 = 0.44 rad s-1 
Part (b):
1. The acceleration vector is always directed towards the center
• For each position of the insect, the acceleration is directed from that position to the center
■ That means, acceleration vector changes continuously. It is not a constant vector
2. But the magnitude of the acceleration vector is a constant
• To find that magnitude, we can use Eq.4.33: $\mathbf\small{|\vec{a_c}|= \omega ^2 R}$ 
• Substituting the values, we get $\mathbf\small{|\vec{a_c}|= 0.44 ^2 \times 12}$ = 2.32 ms-2

Solved example 4.14
A particle is in uniform circular motion along a circle whose center is at the origin in the xy plane. When the particle is at (4,0), it's velocity is $\mathbf\small{-5\hat{j}}$ ms-1. Determine the velocity and acceleration when the particle is at P(0,-4) and Q(-2.83, 2.83)
1. The velocity at (4,0) is given as $\mathbf\small{-5\hat{j}}$ ms-1.
• The unit vector $\mathbf\small{\hat{j}}$ indicates that it is along the y axis
• The negative sign indicates that, it is towards the 'negative side of y axis'    
This situation is shown in fig.4.40(a) below:
2. The particle is said to be in uniform motion. So at any point along the path, $\mathbf\small{|\vec{v}|}$ will be 5 ms-1.
• We just need to find the directions.
3. Also given that, the center is at the origin O and (4,0) is a point on the path
• So obviously, the radius R = 4 m
4. Part (a):
(i) P(0,-4) is on the y axis.
(ii) The particle is moving in the anti-clockwise direction
• So $\mathbf\small{\vec{v}}$ at P(0,-4) is $\mathbf\small{-5\hat{i}}$ ms-1.    
(iii) We are also asked to find the acceleration
• In uniform circular motion, there is no linear acceleration. There is only centripetal acceleration $\mathbf\small{\vec{a_c}}$
• We can use Eq.4.27: $\mathbf\small{|\vec{a_c}|=\frac{|\vec{v}|^2}{R}}$
• Substituting the values, we get: $\mathbf\small{|\vec{a_c}|}$ = 6.25 ms-2.
• The direction of this acceleration is towards the center O
5. Part (b):
(i) Q(-2.83, 2.83) is neither on the x axis nor on the y axis
• First let us confirm that it is on the given circle.
(ii) For that, we find it's distance from the origin.
• We have: Distance from origin = $\mathbf\small{\sqrt{(-2.83)^2+2.83^2}}$ = 4 m
• So the point is indeed on the circle
(iii) Consider the following points:
x cordinate and y ccordinate of Q are equal in magnitudes
x coordinate is negative and y cordinate is positive
So obviously, Q is on a line inclined at 45o to the x axis. And it is in the second quadrant.  This is shown in fig.b
• Let the velocity vector at Q be $\mathbf\small{\vec{v'}}$
• This $\mathbf\small{\vec{v'}}$ will be perpendicular to OQ
• So $\mathbf\small{\vec{v'}}$ makes an angle 45o with the x axis 
(iv) Thus we get: 
• Magnitude of the x component of $\mathbf\small{\vec{v'}}$ = $\mathbf\small{|\vec{v'}|}$ × cos 45 = 5 × cos 45 = 3.536 ms-1.
• Magnitude of the y component of $\mathbf\small{\vec{v'}}$ = $\mathbf\small{|\vec{v'}|}$ × sin 45 = 5 × sin 45 = 3.536 ms-1
• So $\mathbf\small{\vec{v'}=3.536\, \hat{i}+3.536\, \hat{j}}$
(v) Direction of $\mathbf\small{\vec{v'}}$ is obtained as follows:
• $\mathbf\small{\tan \theta =\frac{|\vec{v'_y}|}{|\vec{v'_x}|}=\frac{3.536}{3.536}=1}$
• So θ = tan-11 = 45° 
• We can write: $\mathbf\small{\vec{v'}}$ makes an angle of 45° with the x axis

Solved example 4.15
If the angular speeds of the minute hand and hour hand of a watch are $\mathbf\small{\omega_m}$ and  $\mathbf\small{\omega_h}$ respectively, find the ratio $\mathbf\small{\frac{\omega _m}{\omega _h}}$
■ Angular speed is the 'angle turned in 1 s'
1. The angular speed of a minute hand:
(i)  The minute hand makes one complete revolution in 60 minutes. 
    ♦ 60 minutes is (60 × 60) = 3600 seconds
(ii) In other words, the minute hand turns through 2π radians in 3600 s
(iii) So it turns $\mathbf\small{\frac{2\pi }{3600}}$ radians in 1 s
(iv) We can write: $\mathbf\small{\omega _m=\frac{2\pi }{3600}}$
2. The angular speed of a hour hand:
(i)  The hour hand makes one complete revolution in 12 hours. 
    ♦ 12 hours is (12 × 60 × 60) = (12 ×3600) seconds
(ii) In other words, the hour hand turns through 2π radians in (12 × 3600) s
(iii) So it turns $\mathbf\small{\frac{2\pi }{12 \times 3600}}$ radians in 1 s
(iv) We can write: $\mathbf\small{\omega _h=\frac{2\pi }{12 \times 3600}}$
3. So we get: $\mathbf\small{\frac{\omega _m}{\omega _h}=\frac{2\pi }{3600}\div \frac{2\pi }{12 \times 3600}=\frac{2\pi }{3600}\times \frac{12 \times 3600 }{2 \pi} }$ = 12
■ Thus we get: angular speed of the minute hand is 12 times that of the hour hand

In the next section, we will see Relative velocity in two dimensional motion.


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