Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Chapter 13.1 - Kinetic Theory of An Ideal Gas

In the previous section, we saw the ideal gas equation PV = 𝝁RT. In this section, we try to explain the gas laws using kinetic theory

Some basics can be written in 4 steps:
1. A sample of a gas (that we consider for the discussions) will consist of the molecules of that gas only. There will not be any impurities like dust particles, water vapour etc.,
2. Molecules are very far apart. So there will not be any forces of attraction or repulsion between them
3. But molecules do collide with each other and with the walls of the container. All those collisions are elastic. There will not be any energy loss due to the collisions
4. What ever be the type of collisions, the total momentum will be conserved

• Based on the above points, let us now analyze the collisions of some gas molecules inside a closed container. Through such an analysis, we can derive an expression for pressure. It can be written in 18 steps:
1. The yellow rectangle in fig.13.1(a) below is a closed cubical container
• It contains N molecules of a gas

Derivation of the pressure exerted by a gas from Kinetic theory
2. One molecule is shown as a green sphere
• It travels towards the left along the red dotted line
   ♦ This red dotted line is parallel to the x-axis
3. The molecule hits the left side wall of the container
• This wall is parallel to the y-axis
   ♦ Remember that, the red dotted line is parallel to the x-axis
   ♦ So the molecule will be hitting the wall in a perpendicular direction
4. Let us see how the molecule bounces back:
• Due to the perpendicular collision, the molecule will bounce back along the same red line
• Also, since the collision is elastic, the molecule will bounce back with the same speed (magnitude of velocity)
◼  So we can write about the velocities:
If vx(1) is the initial velocity before collision, the velocity after collision will be -vx(1)
5. Let m be the mass of the molecule. Then the momentum can be calculated as:
   ♦ Initial momentum = mvx(1)
   ♦ Final momentum = -mvx(1)
6. Then change in momentum suffered by the molecule
= (final momentum – initial momentum)
= (-mvx(1) - mvx(1)) = -2mvx(1)
7. We have seen the principle of conservation of momentum in an earlier chapter (Fig.5.16 of section 5.7)
◼  Based on that principle, the change in momentum suffered by the wall will be 2mvx(1)
8. The wall suffers this change in momentum because, the molecule exerts a force on that wall
◼  We know that, force is equal to ‘rate of change of momentum’
   ♦ To find the ‘rate of change of momentum’,
   ♦ we need to divide ‘change of momentum’ by time
• So our next task is to find the time during which this ‘change in momentum’ occurs
9. The change in momentum occurs during the collision. But the duration of a collision is very small. Let it be Δt
• The molecule must hit the wall and bounce back in the interval Δt
• This is possible only if the molecule is within a distance of vx(1) × Δt from the wall
(Recall that, velocity multiplied by time gives distance)
• This distance is marked by the magenta vertical line in fig.b
(In the fig.b, the distance vx(1) × Δt is exaggerated. The magenta vertical line is in fact, very close to the left side wall. It is shown further away, only for clarity)
10. It is clear that, all the molecules (with velocity vx(1)) between the magenta line and the left wall, have a chance of hitting the wall within the duration Δt
• So we need the actual number of molecules (with velocity vx(1)) between the magenta line and the left wall
• For that actual number, we need the volume between the magenta line and the left wall
   ♦ If A is the area of the left wall, that volume will be A × vx(1) × Δt
• If nx(1) is the number of molecules (with velocity vx(1)) in unit volume, then the number of molecules in that volume will be nx(1) × A × vx(1) × Δt
11. All those molecules calculated in (10) have the chance of hitting the left wall
• But we know that, molecules move in random directions. So on the average, only half of those molecules will be hitting the wall
• So we get:
Number of molecules hitting the wall = 12 × nx(1) × A × vx(1) × Δt
12. In (7), we saw that, the change in momentum suffered by the wall due to one molecule = 2mvx(1)
• So the change in momentum (Q) due to 12nx(1)AvxΔt molecules can be obtained as: (2mvx(1))×(12nx(1)AvxΔt)
13. Dividing this change in momentum by Δt, we get the force Fx(1) experienced by the wall due to the collisions
• That is., Fx(1) = (2mvx(1))×(12nx(1)Avx(1)) = nx(1)mAv2x(1)
    ♦ This force is due to the molecules traveling with velocity vx(1)
14. Dividing this force by the area of the wall, we get the pressure P experienced by the wall
• That is., Px(1) = nx(1)mv2x(1)
    ♦ This pressure is due to the molecules traveling with velocity vx(1)
15. But there are molecules (traveling in the x-direction), with other velocities also
• The various velocities in the x-direction can be denoted as:
vx(1), vx(2), vx(3), etc.,
• So we can assume that, all molecules traveling in the x-direction, have an average velocity of $\mathbf\small{\rm{\bar{v}_x }}$
• This $\mathbf\small{\rm{\bar{v}_x }}$ is the average of vx(1), vx(2), vx(3), etc.,
• Then the result in (14) becomes: $\mathbf\small{\rm{P_x=n_xm\bar{v_x^2}}}$
    ♦ Where
        ✰ Px is the pressure due to all molecules traveling in the x-direction
        ✰ nx is the number of molecules (traveling in the x-direction) per unit volume
        ✰ $\mathbf\small{\rm{\bar{v}_x }}$ is the average of vx(1), vx(2), vx(3), etc.,
16. We derived the above result by considering the molecules traveling in the x-direction
• We can apply the same steps to the molecules which travel in the y-direction
    ♦ We will get: $\mathbf\small{\rm{P_y=n_xm\bar{v_y^2}}}$
• We can apply the same steps to the molecules which travel in the z-direction
    ♦ We will get: $\mathbf\small{\rm{P_z=n_xm\bar{v_z^2}}}$
17. A gas sample will be isotropic. So we cannot say that, more molecules travel in any preferred direction
• All directions are equally likely. So we can write: $\mathbf\small{\rm{\bar{v}_x=\bar{v}_y=\bar{v}_z }}$
• Squaring this, we get: $\mathbf\small{\rm{\bar{v_x^2}=\bar{v_y^2}=\bar{v_z^2}}}$
◼  Thus we can write:
In the gas sample, there are three velocities and all three are equal. Their squares are also equal
18. Let us write the role of each velocity:
   ♦ We use $\mathbf\small{\rm{\bar{v_x^2}}}$ to find Px
   ♦ We use $\mathbf\small{\rm{\bar{v_y^2}}}$ to find Py
   ♦ We use $\mathbf\small{\rm{\bar{v_z^2}}}$ to find Pz
19. If we can find the average of $\mathbf\small{\rm{\bar{v_x^2},\bar{v_y^2} \,and \,\bar{v_z^2} }}$, we can use it to find the pressure in a single step
• So our next aim is to find that average. It can be done in 2 steps:
(i) Since they are equal, we can sum them up and divide by 3. No weightage need to be given for any of them
• So the average is: $\mathbf\small{{\frac{\bar{v_x^2}\;+\;\bar{v_y^2}\;+\;\bar{v_z^2}}{3}}}$
(ii) We will denote ($\mathbf\small{{\bar{v_x^2}\;+\;\bar{v_y^2}\;+\;\bar{v_z^2}}}$) as $\mathbf\small{{\bar{v^2}}}$
• So the average is: $\mathbf\small{{\frac{\bar{v^2}}{3}}}$
18. This average is applicable to all molecules. So we do not need to consider nx, ny and nz separately. We can use n. This n is the 'number density' of molecules having the average velocity
• So based on the results in (15) and (16), we can write:
The pressure due to all the molecules is given by:
Eq.13.5: $\mathbf\small{\rm{P=\frac{nm \bar{v^2}}{3}}}$

◼  Two remarks have to be written about the above derivation:
1. We chose a cube as the container. This made it easier to consider the three directions separately
• But in reality, we can choose any arbitrary shape. The reason can be written in 3 steps
(i) We considered the molecules hitting on the left wall of area A
• We need not insist on such perfect areas. A small area ΔA would be sufficient
(ii) This is because, when we find pressure, we divide force by area. Then the area in both numerator and denominator cancel each other
(iii) The time ΔT also gets canceled in this way. So the distance vx(1)Δt is also not important. The container can be of any shape
2. Collisions between molecules
• This can be written in 5 steps
(i) We have considered the collision of molecules with the walls of the container. But we have not considered the collision between molecules
(ii) When molecules collide with each other, their velocities will change
• We considered a molecule with velocity vx(1)
• There is no guarantee that, on it’s way towards the wall, it will not hit another molecule, thereby changing it’s velocity to another value
(iii) However, numerous collisions are taking place in the gas sample
• So velocity lost by one molecule will be gained by another molecule at some other place
(iv) Also, we are taking the average value
(v) So the collisions between molecules will not lead to much error

Kinetic Interpretation of Temperature

• Based on Eq.13.5, we can find the relation between kinetic energy of the molecules and the temperature of the gas. It can be written in 15 steps:
1. We have Eq.13.5: $\mathbf\small{\rm{P=\frac{nm \bar{v^2}}{3}}}$
• Multiplying both sides by V, we get: $\mathbf\small{\rm{PV=\frac{1}{3}nVm\bar{v^2}}}$
• Multiplying the right side by 22, we get: $\mathbf\small{\rm{PV=\frac{2}{3}\times\frac{1}{2}nVm\bar{v^2}}}$
2. Recall that, n is the 'number density' (number of molecules in unit volume)
• So nV is the total number of molecules (N) in the sample
• Thus we get: $\mathbf\small{\rm{PV=\frac{2}{3}\times\frac{1}{2}Nm\bar{v^2}}}$
3. $\mathbf\small{\rm{\frac{1}{2}m\bar{v^2}}}$ is the average kinetic energy possessed by a single molecule
• So $\mathbf\small{\rm{\frac{1}{2}Nm\bar{v^2}}}$ is the total energy possessed by all the molecules in the sample
4. The total kinetic energy possessed by all the molecules is the internal energy E of the gas sample
• That is., $\mathbf\small{\rm{E=\frac{1}{2}Nm\bar{v^2}}}$
• Thus the result in (2) becomes Eq.13.6: $\mathbf\small{\rm{PV=\frac{2}{3}E}}$
5. But we have the basic equation: PV = 𝝁RT
• Comparing the two, we get: $\mathbf\small{\rm{\mu RT=\frac{2}{3}E}}$
6. In the previous section, we saw that:  𝝁R = NKB
• So the result in (5) becomes: $\mathbf\small{\rm{NK_B T=\frac{2}{3}E}}$
⇒ $\mathbf\small{\rm{\frac{E}{N}=\frac{3}{2}K_B T}}$
7. $\mathbf\small{\rm{\frac{E}{N}}}$ is the kinetic energy of one molecule
• KB is a constant
◼  So we can write:
Kinetic energy of a molecule is proportional to the absolute temperature of the gas
• It is also clear that, the internal energy of a gas depends only on it's temperature
   ♦ Pressure or volume has no effect on the internal energy
8. Next, let us consider a mixture of non-reactive gases
• We will name the gases as A, B, C, . . .
   ♦ Let the average velocity of the molecules of gas A be $\mathbf\small{\rm{\bar{v}_A}}$
   ♦ Let the average velocity of the molecules of gas B be $\mathbf\small{\rm{\bar{v}_B}}$
   ♦ Let the average velocity of the molecules of gas C be $\mathbf\small{\rm{\bar{v}_C}}$ 
so on . . .
• We will write the number densities of molecules also:
   ♦ Let the number density of the molecules of gas A be nA
   ♦ Let the number density of the molecules of gas B be nB
   ♦ Let the number density of the molecules of gas C be nC
so on . . .
9. Then using Eq 13.5, we can write the individual contributions:
   ♦ Contribution of gas A towards the total pressure = $\mathbf\small{\rm{\frac{n_A m_A \bar{v_A^2}}{3}}}$
   ♦ Contribution of gas B towards the total pressure = $\mathbf\small{\rm{\frac{n_B m_B \bar{v_B^2}}{3}}}$
   ♦ Contribution of gas C towards the total pressure = $\mathbf\small{\rm{\frac{n_C m_C \bar{v_C^2}}{3}}}$
so on . . .
10. So the total pressure of the gas will be obtained as:
$\mathbf\small{\rm{p=\frac{n_A m_A \bar{v_A^2}}{3}+\frac{n_B m_B \bar{v_B^2}}{3}+\frac{n_C m_C \bar{v_C^2}}{3}+\, .\, .\, .}}$
11. Now consider the result in (6): $\mathbf\small{\rm{\frac{E}{N}=\frac{3}{2}K_B T}}$
• $\mathbf\small{\rm{\frac{E}{N}}}$ is the kinetic energy per molecule, which is equal to $\mathbf\small{\rm{\frac{1}{2}m \bar{v^2}}}$
• So we can write: $\mathbf\small{\rm{\frac{1}{2}m \bar{v^2}=\frac{3}{2}K_B T}}$
12. Applying this result to individual gases, we get:
   ♦ $\mathbf\small{\rm{\frac{1}{2}m_A \bar{v_A^2}=\frac{3}{2}K_B T}}$
   ♦ $\mathbf\small{\rm{\frac{1}{2}m_B \bar{v_B^2}=\frac{3}{2}K_B T}}$
   ♦ $\mathbf\small{\rm{\frac{1}{2}m_C \bar{v_C^2}=\frac{3}{2}K_B T}}$
so on . . .
• From this, we get:
   ♦ $\mathbf\small{\rm{m_A \bar{v_A^2}=3K_B T}}$
   ♦ $\mathbf\small{\rm{m_B \bar{v_B^2}=3K_B T}}$
   ♦ $\mathbf\small{\rm{m_C \bar{v_C^2}=3K_B T}}$
13. So the result in (10) becomes:
$\mathbf\small{\rm{p=\frac{n_A 3K_B T}{3}+\frac{n_B 3K_B T}{3}+\frac{n_C3K_B T}{3}+\, .\, .\, .}}$
⇒ $\mathbf\small{\rm{P=(n_A+n_B+n_C+\, .\, .\, .)K_BT}}$
⇒ $\mathbf\small{\rm{PV=(n_AV+n_BV+n_CV+\, .\, .\, .)K_BT}}$
⇒ $\mathbf\small{\rm{PV=(n_AVK_B+n_BVK_B+n_CVK_B+\, .\, .\, .)T}}$
⇒ $\mathbf\small{\rm{PV=(N_AK_B+N_BK_B+N_CK_B+\, .\, .\, .)T}}$
14. In the previous section, we saw that:  𝝁R = NKB
• Applying this to individual gases, we get:
   ♦ 𝝁AR = NAKB
   ♦ 𝝁BR = NBKB
   ♦ 𝝁CR = NCKB
so on . . .
15. So the result in (13) becomes:
$\mathbf\small{\rm{PV=(\mu_A R+\mu_B R+\mu_C R+\, .\, .\, .)T}}$
⇒ PV = (𝝁A + 𝝁B + 𝝁C + . . .)RT
◼  This is Dalton's law of partial pressures
• Thus we derived Dalton's law of partial pressures using kinetic theory

• We know that, when temperature increases, the speed of the molecules increases
• For a gas,
   ♦ The internal energy is due to the kinetic energy of the molecules
   ♦ When temperature increases, kinetic energy increases
   ♦ So when temperature increases, internal energy increases
• The kinetic energy depends on speed
• Let us try to calculate the average speed of a molecule in a gas sample. It can be written in 5 steps:
1. In the step (6) above, we obtained: $\mathbf\small{\rm{\frac{E}{N}=\frac{3}{2}K_B T}}$
• $\mathbf\small{\rm{\frac{E}{N}}}$ is the kinetic energy of one molecule
• So we can write: $\mathbf\small{\rm{\frac{1}{2}m\bar{v^2}=\frac{3}{2}K_B T}}$
⇒ $\mathbf\small{\rm{m\bar{v^2} =3K_BT}}$
⇒ $\mathbf\small{\rm{\bar{v}=\left( \frac{3K_BT}{m}\right)^{\frac{1}{2}}}}$
    ♦ Where m is the mass of one molecule 
2. Consider a sample of nitrogen gas
    ♦ One mole of nitrogen gas will have a mass of 28 grams
    ♦ One mole of nitrogen gas will have 6.023 × 1023 molecules
• So one molecule of nitrogen gas will have a mass of $\mathbf\small{\rm{\left( \frac{28 \times 10^{-3}}{6.023 \times 10^{23}}\right)}}$ = 4.65 × 10-26 kg
3. So we have the mass of one molecule
    ♦ Let the sample be at a temperature of 300 K
    ♦ We know the value of KB. It is: 1.38 × 10-23 J K-1
• Substituting these known values in (1), we get:
$\mathbf\small{\rm{\bar{v}=\left( \frac{3 \times 1.38 \times 10^{-23}(J\,K^{-1})\times 300\, (K)}{4.65 \times 10^{-26}(kg)}\right)^{\frac{1}{2}}=517\;(J\;kg^{-1})^{\frac{1}{2}}}}$
⇒ $\mathbf\small{\rm{\bar{v}=517\;(kg\;m\;s^{-2}\;m\;kg^{-1})^{\frac{1}{2}}=517 \; m\;s^{-1}}}$
◼ This speed is comparable to the speed of sound in air
4. We take the root of $\mathbf\small{\rm{\bar{v^2}}}$ to find $\mathbf\small{\rm{\bar{v}}}$
• So $\mathbf\small{\rm{\bar{v}}}$ is called root mean square velocity
    ♦ It's symbol is: vrms
• So the result in (1) can be modified as:
Eq.13.7: $\mathbf\small{\rm{v_{rms}=\left( \frac{3K_BT}{m}\right)^{\frac{1}{2}}}}$
5. Note that, in Eq.13.7, m is in the denominator
• So we can write:
In a mixture of gases, the lighter molecules will have greater vrms

Link to two solved examples based on the above discussion is given below:

Solved example 13.12 and 13.13

In the next section, we will see the Law of equipartition of energy




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Saturday, June 19, 2021

Chapter 13 - Kinetic Theory

In the previous chapter, we completed a discussion on Thermodynamics. In this chapter, we will see Kinetic theory

• Robert Boyle discovered that, if temperature of a gas is kept constant, it’s pressure will be inversely proportional to it’s volume
• This can be demonstrated as follows:
• Consider a gas inside a cylinder fitted with a movable piston
   ♦ If we move the piston downwards, the volume of the gas decreases
         ✰ At the same time, pressure of the gas increases
   ♦ If we move the piston upwards, the volume of the gas increases
         ✰ At the same time, pressure of the gas decreases
◼  This inverse relation is known as Boyle’s Law
• Robert Boyle made this discovery in the seventeenth century. Soon, other laws such as Charles Law, Avogadro's hypothesis etc., were discovered. All those laws were discovered in the seventeenth century. But precise mathematical explanations for those laws could be given only in the nineteenth century
• The mathematical explanations were based on the fact that, matter is made up of atoms and molecules. This fact about matter was not known to the scientists of the seventeenth century
• A sample of a gas is made up of a large number of atoms or molecules
   ♦ Noble gases like neon and argon exist as individual atoms
         ✰ For such gases, atoms and molecules implies the same
   ♦ Ordinary gases like oxygen and nitrogen exist as individual molecules
◼  Except when they are very close to each other, there is practically no interactions between the molecules in a gas sample
• This is because, compared to their sizes, the distances between those molecules are very large
• In this chapter, we will see how precise mathematical explanations can be given for the gas laws

Behavior of gases

• Some basics can be written in 7 steps:
1. Since the interactions between gas molecules are negligible, properties of gases are easier to understand. This is because: 
• In the case of solids and liquids, we will have to deal with equations related to mutual forces between molecules
• But for gases, such equations are absent
2. Consider a gas sample at normal pressure and normal temperature

The word ‘normal’ needs to be given importance. The reason can be written in 2 steps:
(i) If the pressure is very high, the volume will be so low that, the molecules come into close contacts with each other
   ♦ Then they will begin to interact with each other
   ♦ In such a situation, our equations will not be valid
(ii) If the temperature is very low, the gases will become liquids
   ♦ The molecules will then be in close contact with each other
   ♦ They will begin to interact with each other
   ♦ Then also, our equations will not be valid

◼  When the pressure and temperature are normal, any given gas sample will satisfy the following relation:
   ♦ Where:
         ✰ P is the pressure
         ✰ V is the volume
         ✰ T is the temperature
3. This relation can be explained in 2 steps:
(i) PV = KT can be rearranged as: $\mathbf\small{\rm{\frac{PV}{T}=K}}$
   ♦ When temperature is T1, let pressure be P1 and volume be V1
   ♦ When temperature is T2, let pressure be P2 and volume be V2
so on . . .
(ii) So the pressure, temperature and volume can vary
• But the combination will always be constant
• That is: $\mathbf\small{\rm{\frac{P_1V_1}{T_1}=\frac{P_2V_2}{T_2}=\frac{P_3V_3}{T_3}=K}}$
4. But this K is constant for the given sample only
• If we take another (larger or smaller in volume) sample of the same gas, it will be having another value of K
• Scientists discovered that, this K is equal to NkB
   ♦ Where:
         ✰ N is the number of molecules of in the sample
         ✰ kB is a constant called Boltzmann constant
         ✰ This kB is same for all gases
5. It is clear that, the variation of K from sample to sample, is due to the difference in N
• We can write: Eq.13.1: PV = (NkB)T
◼  Now we can consider different samples
• Let in the first sample, N be N1
In that sample,
   ♦ When temperature is T1, let pressure be P1 and volume be V1
• Let in the second sample, N be N2
In that sample,
   ♦ When temperature is T2, let pressure be P2 and volume be V2
• Let in the third sample, N be N3
In that sample,
   ♦ When temperature is T3, let pressure be P3 and volume be V3
so on . . .
◼  Then the relation in 3(ii) becomes:
6. Based on the above result in (5), we can give a satisfactory explanation for Avogadro's hypothesis. It can be written in steps:
(i) Take two gas samples
• For the first sample, let the P, V and T be P1, V1 and T1 respectively
   ♦ Then we can write: $\mathbf\small{\rm{\frac{P_1V_1}{T_1}=N_1k_B}}$
• For the second sample, let the P, V and T be P2, V2 and T2 respectively
   ♦ Then we can write: $\mathbf\small{\rm{\frac{P_2V_2}{T_2}=N_2k_B}}$
(ii) Suppose that, the two samples are experiencing the same pressure and temperature. Also suppose that, the two samples have the same volume
• Then we can write: P1 = P2, V1 = V2, T1 = T2
(iii) Then N1kB will become equal to N2kB
• It follows that, N1 = N2
• This is Avogadro's hypothesis
7. Avogadro in the seventeenth century said that:
If two samples have the same pressure, volume and temperature, they will be having the same number of particles
• The above steps from (1) to (6) give the mathematical proof

Let us see the practical applications of Avogadro’s hypothesis. It can be written in 7 steps:
1. Taking two samples:
   ♦ The first sample is of gas A
   ♦ The second sample is of another gas B
2. The two samples must contain the same number of molecules
• Here a problem arises. It can be explained in 2 steps:
(i) Labs at some part of the world may prepare the two samples in such a way that, there are 20000 molecules in each of them
(ii) Labs at some other part of the world may prepare the two samples in such a way that, there are 50000 molecules in each of them
◼  In order to avoid such differences, scientists decided to fix up a number
• They said:
Each of the two samples should have exactly one mole of molecules
   ♦ One mole is 6.023 × 1023 numbers
   ♦ It is just like: One dozen is 12 numbers
   ♦ So one mole of molecules is 6.023 × 1023 molecules
• So the problem is solved
3. Next, the two samples must be subjected to the same pressure
• Here also a problem arises. It can be explained in 2 steps
(i) Some labs may subject each of the two samples to a pressure of 3 bar
(ii) Some other labs may subject each of the two samples to a pressure of 500 torr
◼  In order to avoid such differences, scientists decided to fix up a pressure
• They said:
Each of the two samples should be subjected to exactly 1 atm pressure
• So the problem is solved
4. Next, the two samples must be at the same temperature
• Here also a problem arises. It can be explained in 2 steps
(i) Some labs may keep each of the two samples at a temperature of 298 K
(ii) Some other labs may keep each of the two samples at a temperature of 300 K
◼  In order to avoid such differences, scientists decided to fix up a temperature
• They said:
Each of the two samples should exactly be at a temperature of 273 K
• So the problem is solved
5. The S.T.P:
   ♦ The temperature 273 K is accepted world wide as standard temperature
   ♦ The pressure 1 atm is accepted world wide as standard pressure
◼  Together, they are known as: Standard temperature and pressure
   ♦ It is abbreviated as S.T.P
6. So all the samples in all the labs will be:
   ♦ Containing one mole each
   ♦ Subjected to 1 atm pressure
   ♦ At a temperature of 273 K
◼  Now we come to the interesting result about volume:
If the above three conditions are satisfied, each sample will be occupying a volume of 22.4 liters
7. The Avogadro number:
• One mole of gaseous molecules (belonging to any gas oxygen, nitrogen, argon etc.,) at 273 K and 1 atm pressure will be occupying a volume of 22.4 liters
◼  Conversely,
• 22.4 liters of any gas at 273 K and 1 atm pressure, will be containing one mole (6.023 × 1023) of molecules
◼  Since this fact was discovered by the Italian scientist Amedeo Avogadro, the number 6.023 × 1023 is called Avogadro number in his honor
   ♦ The symbol for Avogadro number is NA
• So we can write: NA = 6.023 × 1023

Next we will see the details about the Universal gas constant. It can be written in 7 steps:
1. We have seen that: $\mathbf\small{\rm{\frac{PV}{T}=N\;k_B}}$
• Dividing both sides by NA, we get: $\mathbf\small{\rm{\frac{PV}{T\;N_A}=\left(\frac{N}{N_A} \right)\;k_B}}$
2. But $\mathbf\small{\rm{\left(\frac{N}{N_A} \right)}}$ is the number of moles in the sample
   ♦ We will denote it as 𝝁
• So we get: $\mathbf\small{\rm{\frac{PV}{T\;N_A}=\mu\;K_B}}$
⇒ PV = 𝝁NAkBT
3. Both NA and kB are constants
• So multiplying them will give a new constant. Let us denote this new constant as R
• Then we get: Eq.13.2: PV = 𝝁RT
4. R is called the Universal Gas Constant. Because, it is same for all gases which are at STP
• Let us find the value of R. It can be done in 2 steps:
(i) We have: $\mathbf\small{\rm{R=\frac{PV}{\mu T}}}$
• At STP,
   ♦ P = 1 atm = 101325 N m-2
   ♦ V = 22.4 liters = (22.4 × 103) cm3 = (22.4 × 103 × 10-6) = 22.4 × 10-3 m3
   ♦ T = 273 K
   ♦ 𝝁 = 1 mole
(ii) Substituting these values in (i), we get:
$\mathbf\small{\rm{R=\frac{101325\;(Nm^{-2}) \times 22.4 \times 10^{-3} (m^3)}{1 \; (mole) \times 273 \; (K)}}}$ = 8.314 N m mole-1 K-1 = 8.314 J mole-1 K-1
5. We have seen that, 𝝁 of a sample is equal to $\mathbf\small{\rm{\left(\frac{N}{N_A} \right)}}$
• But it is easier to calculate 𝝁 using the relation: $\mathbf\small{\rm{\mu=\left(\frac{M}{M_0} \right)}}$
   ♦ Where
         ✰ M is the mass of the sample
         ✰ M0 is the molar mass of the gas
• We already know this relation from our chemistry classes
6. The equation PV = 𝝁RT can be written in another form. It can be derived in 2 steps
(i) We have Eq.13.1: PV = (NkB)T
• This can be rearranged as: $\mathbf\small{\rm{P=\left( \frac{N}{V} \right)k_BT}}$
(ii) Now, $\mathbf\small{\rm{\left( \frac{N}{V} \right)}}$ is the number density, that is, the number of molecules per unit volume. We can denote it as n
• Thus we get Eq.13.3: P = kB nT
7. Let us see yet another form. It can be derived in 2 steps:
(i) We have: Eq.13.2: PV = 𝝁RT
• This is same as: $\mathbf\small{\rm{PV=\left( \frac{M}{M_0} \right)RT}}$
This can be rearranged as: $\mathbf\small{\rm{P=\left( \frac{M}{VM_0} \right)RT}}$
(ii) Now, $\mathbf\small{\rm{\left( \frac{M}{V} \right)}}$ is the density. We can denote it as ρ
• Thus we get Eq.13.4: $\mathbf\small{\rm{P=\frac{\rho RT}{M_0}}}$

Next we can discuss about the Kinetic theory of an Ideal gas. Before taking up that discussion, we need to obtain a good understanding about Boyle's Law, Charles Law, Ideal gas equation etc., We have discussed them in some previous chapters in Chemistry. The links are given below:

1. Boyle's Law and Charles law

2. Avogadro's hypothesis and Details about STP

3. Ideal gas equation, Partial pressure and mole fraction

• Now we will see some solved examples. The link is given below:

Solved examples 13.1 to 13.11

In the next section, we will see Kinetic theory of an Ideal gas




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